First Communion

Stumbled on these today as I was going through my 2013 collection. I had taken these in the spring/early summer. Loved the quiet confidence this little girl had. You can see it in her eyes. Loved that we did these right at the house and her sister and brother jumped in a few at the end!


16×20 collage

I’ve always loved doing collages and I’m excited about this new size – 16×20. It really makes a statement and can look so pretty in the right place:)


in your own backyard…

I love shooting on location – beach, parks, lakes. But, there’s also a wonderful simplicity about shooting in one’s own backyard – especially when the children are very young. Familiar surroundings can be bring out the best in little ones… I highly recommend it!:)


Saturday fun…

Great weather, a “kid friendly” location, and children “ready to roll” are the perfect ingredients for a family shoot:). Hats off to mom for picking the location and really putting a lot of forethought into everything – kids were so well rested and ready to go!!

July 31, 2013 - 11:31 am

Andrea - These images are fabulous- just what we were hoping for to remember this summer & these ages. I love how you always capture their expressions perfectly. Thank you Elizabeth!

July 31, 2013 - 12:12 pm

Andrea - We love all of your photos, Elizabeth. You’ve done a great job of capturing our children’s smiles and their sense of happiness. We are thrilled with the images and thank you.

Beautiful Kaitlyn…

This family has a very special place in my heart. Kaitlyn was one of my VERY first clients as a newborn. It’s still so fresh in my mind. I dragged all kinds of equipment with me into her nursery trying to get the lighting right (I now have much simpler techniques like finding the right room/window for that time of day:). They became one of my most loyal clients (aka friends) and I was very excited to see them again on this very important day – Kaitlyn’s First Communion. Kaitlyn is also the proud sister to Sophie and the two are inseperable:)

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